• 8887 The Gore Rd., Unit #52, Brampton.

Critical Illness


Critical Illness

What Is Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical Illness insurance helps cover out-of-pocket expenses associated with a serious illness. You may have medical insurance. But that doesn't mean you're covered for all of the expenses resulting from a serious illness that you probably haven't budgeted for - things like co-pays, deductibles, loss of income, child care and travel expenses. Group Critical Illness insurance helps fill the gap caused by these out-of-pocket costs, creating a financial safety net for you and your family.

What is critical illness insurance?
Critical Care insurance or Critical Illness coverage, provides a lump-sum cash benefit to help cover expenses associated with a qualifying serious illness.
Critical Illness can strike at any time. We've all heard stories of friends or family members who have been affected by a serious illness. What we don't hear is how the financial strain may also have a major impact during this trying time.
A primary health insurance plan may cover some health care costs, but oftentimes the patient will face other challenges such as paying everyday living expenses while out of work. That's when a Critical Illness plan can come into play.

How Does Critical Illness Insurance Work?
Critical Illness insurance provides an extra layer of protection that can make a big difference in your ability to pay out-of-pocket expenses associated with a serious illness. It pays a lump-sum benefit directly to you upon diagnosis of a covered illness, regardless of your treatment costs or what's covered by your medical insurance.

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